Red5 Documentation

Streaming Terms for Troubleshooting

Some terms used to describe common livestreaming issues:

Audio Artifacts – A noticeable distortion of the audio. Ex: Pops over the audio, breaks, static, garbled, repetitions, etc.


  • Freezing (Audio) – Audio pausing for longer than 2 seconds.
  • Freezing (Video) – Video pausing for longer than 2 seconds.
  • Freezing (Both Audio and Video) – Audio and video pausing for longer than 2 seconds.

No Video – Black Screen, but has audio.

Pixelation – Pixelated or bad quality video, but still obviously the video.

Reverse Time – Video reverses and the counter goes backward for at least a second worth of frames and then progresses as expected again.


  • Stuttering (Audio) – Audio pausing for under 2 seconds.
  • Stuttering (Video) – Video pausing for under 2 seconds.
  • Stuttering (Both Audio and Video) – Audio and video pausing for under 2 seconds.

Sync, A/V Sync Issues – Audio not lining up with video on subscribe. Audio track ahead of video, or video ahead of audio.

Video Artifacts – A noticeable distortion of the video. Ex: color changes that don’t belong, images bleeding into each other, or shadows of old images being superimposed on the current streaming image. Likely indicates missing keyframes.

Zombie – A stream that has been stopped by the publisher but is still listed on the server, blocking that stream name again from being used again. This is a regression bug that resurfaces from time to time. Our team spends a lot of time killing zombies before a new release comes out.