Red5 Documentation

Prepare Red5 Pro AMI for Nodes

The Red5 Pro Node instance image is used for autoscaling node groups. The Stream Manager will scale nodes using this instance image.

Create Red5 Pro Node Instance

  • Navigate to the EC2 Dashboard
  • From the left-hand navigation, under INSTANCES, click on Instances, then Launch Instance
  • Specify name to the instance. Eg: red5pro-node-image.
  • Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) – Select the Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS.
  • Choose an Instance Type – Recommended minimum c5.large for price and performance.
  • Configure Key Pair – Select the existing key pair created in the previous step.
  • Configure Instance Details – Network Settings: choose the VPC created for autoscaling in that region. Ensure that Auto-assign Public IP is set to Enable, accept all other defaults.
  • Click on Next: Add storage – Increase from the default 8G to 16G or more.
  • Configure Security Group – Select an existing node security group. Eg: red5pro-autoscaling-node-sg
  • Click Launch Instance

Install Red5 Pro on the Instance

  • Connect to your instance over ssh as the ubuntu user. Example: ssh -i ssh_private_key.pem ubuntu@
  • Follow the Installing Red5Pro on a Linux Server instructions.
  • Make sure that Red5 Pro service is set to auto-start on launch.
  • Red5 Pro Clustering does not work without a license. You will need to purchase a Red5 Pro Professional license from Red5 Pro. Add a file named LICENSE.KEY with your Pro license key (16 characters, plus dashes, like: YOUR-LICE-NSEK-EY12) to the root of the Red5 Pro Server installation (/usr/local/red5pro/LICENSE.KEY).

Configure Autoscaling on the Instance

  • Edit the file /usr/local/red5pro/conf/autoscale.xml
  • Change the active value from false to true. Example: <property name="active" value="true"/>
  • Save and close the file
  • Example:
    <bean name="config" class="com.red5pro.clustering.autoscale.Configuration" >    
        <property name="active" value="true"/>

Remove Unnecessary Webapps and Plugins

To ensure a faster startup time for your server, we suggest deleting any web apps that you will not be using from the /usr/local/red5pro/webapps directory (for example: secondscreen, template, vod, streammanager, inspector). For ease of setup for the Stream Manager, leave a zipped copy of the server distribution on the server. If you are running a custom web app, then you would want to include that on your node servers.

In addition, it is recommended that you remove any plugins (found in the red5pro/plugins directory) that you will not be using, from the following list:

  • red5pro-mpegts* — HLS
  • red5pro-restreamer* — restreamer
  • red5pro-socialpusher* — social media restreaming
  • red5pro-client-suppressor* — suppressor
  • inspector.jar — inspector

Verify Red5 Pro on Instance

Start the Red5 Pro service

systemctl start red5pro

Once you have started the Red5 Pro Server, you can verify that it is running and available by opening a web browser and navigating to http://<server-ip>:5080, where <server-ip> is the Public address value of your Red5 Pro server.

Create Red5 Pro Node Instance Image

  • Navigate to the EC2 Dashboard, click on Running Instances, and select the created instance.
  • Click on ActionsImage and templatesCreate Image
  • Enter a unique Image name and description and click create image. Leave additional default settings.

Please record Node image name to your checklist for the NODE_IMAGE_NAME parameter, it will be using in API calls to Stream Manager to create node group config.