Red5 Documentation

Create Virtual Private Cloud(VPC) and Firewalls

Create a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

  • From the left-hand side of the console click on VPC.
  • Now click on Create VPC.

Basic VPC information

  • Select region from drop down. Eg: US, Los Angeles, CA (us-lax)
  • VPC Label: red5pro-autoscaling-us-lax.

    Kindly use region name as suffix for specifying label to VPC. Eg: <VPC_LABEL>-<VPC_REGION>.

  • VPC Description: Provied brief description to VPC (Optional).

Configure VPC Private Subnet

  • Subnet Label: red5pro-autoscaling-subnet.

  • IPv4 CIDR block:

    • If want to create multiple subnets, click on Add Another Subnet and specify CIDR and label.

  • Final, click on Create VPC.

Please record Subnet name and Region to your checklist for the NODE_SUBNET_NAME, NODE_LINODE_REGION parameters, it will be using in API calls to Stream Manager to create node group config.


Create Firewalls

We need to have 2 firewall rules:

  1. Firewall for Stream Manager instance
  2. Firewall for Red5 Pro nodes

Firewall for Stream Manager

Go to Linode Console → Firewalls → Click on Create Firewall

  • Label: red5pro-autoscaling-sm-sg (Must be between 3 and 32 characters in length)
  • Default Inbound Policy: Accept
  • Default Outbound Policy: Accept
  • Final click on Create Firewall
  • Add Inbound Rules: Linode Console → Firewalls → Select created firewall → Click on Add Inbound Rule
    • Create separate rules for each ports
Preset Label Description Protocol Ports Custom Port Range Sources Action
Empty http-rule HTTP TCP Custom 80 All IPv4, All IPv6 Accept
Empty https-rule HTTPS TCP Custom 443 All IPv4, All IPv6 Accept
Empty kafka-rule KAFKA TCP Custom 9092 All IPv4, All IPv6 Accept

Example: Rule

Security group for Red5 Pro nodes

Go to Linode Console → Firewalls → Click on Create Firewall

  • Label: red5pro-autoscaling-node-sg (Must be between 3 and 32 characters in length)
  • Default Inbound Policy: Accept
  • Default Outbound Policy: Accept
  • Final click on Create Firewall
  • Add Inbound Rules: Linode Console → Firewalls → Select created firewall → Click on Add Inbound Rule
    • Create separate rules for each ports
Preset Label Description Protocol Ports Custom Port Range Sources Action
Empty http-rule HTTP TCP Custom 5080 All IPv4, All IPv6 Accept
Empty rtmp-rule RTMP TCP Custom 1935 All IPv4, All IPv6 Accept
Empty udp-rule TURN/STUN/ICE UDP Custom 40000-65535 All IPv4, All IPv6 Accept

Please record Network Securiity Group name for Red5 Pro nodes to your checklist for the NODE_SECURITY_GROUP parameter, it will be using in API calls to Stream Manager to create node group config.