Red5 Documentation

Brew Mixer Installation

Installing the Brew Mixer

Install on a standalone RedPro server using Ubuntu 22.04.

In the red5pro/extras/ directory, find the brewmixer/ folder. In this folder is the script. Execute this script from within red5pro/extras/brewmixer as the working directory.

This script installs the Brew Mixer components and also performs some basic configuration steps. When the script has finished, restart your Red5Pro server (e.g., with sudo systemctl restart red5pro).

Installation is complete.

Installation Steps

The install script performed several steps, explained here. If you just wish to try out the mixer, skip ahead to How to Test below.

Deploy the Plugin

The plugin JAR is copied to red5pro/plugins/, and the native components are unzipped into red5pro/plugins/nodemixer/.

Deploy the Webapp

The red5pro/brewmixer/brewmixer/ folder (an exploded WAR) is copied into red5pro/webapps/.

Modify for Standalone

The script removes the Stream Manager webapp and configures the cluster node type to off, disabling the Cluster Plugin. This prevents some irrelevant errors and using the off cluster node type rather than auto prevents certain cluster-only operations from occurring (and disables digest security in the BrewMixer API).


Assuming you have installed on localhost, navigate to https://<host>/brewmixer/rendertreeController.html or http://<host>:5080/brewmixer/renderTreeController.html if you have no certificate installed.