Red5 Documentation

Stream Manager 2.0 NodeGroupConfig Example – Max Publishers/Subscribers

Max Publishers/Subscribers

Limit the total max publishers and subscribers per NodeGroup. When either number is exceeded, a further request to publish or subscribe will cause the Streams Service to respond 503 Service Unavailable. Note that when these fields are null (omitted), these limits are not applied.


Complete Example:

    "name": "allinone-oci-1",
    "description": "This is an OCI example.",
    "cloudPlatform": "OCI",
    "cloudProperties": "environment=testing;subnet=red5-ci-deployments-multiregion-subnet-public;security_group=red5-ci-deployments-multiregion-node-nsg;volume_size=50",
    "shuffleSizeExpression": "1",
    "maxPublishers": "1",
    "maxSubscribers": "2",
    "images": {
        "BaseImage": {
            "name": "BaseImage",
            "image": "as-node-12-2-4-b120",
            "cloudProperties": "instance_type=VM.Standard.E4.Flex-1-4"
    "roles": {
        "allinone": {
            "name": "allinone",
            "imageName": "BaseImage",
            "capabilities": [
    "groups": {
        "ashburn": {
            "subGroupName": "ashburn",
            "groupType": "main",
            "cloudProperties": "region=us-ashburn-1",
            "rulesByRole": {
                "allinone": {
                    "nodeRoleName": "allinone",
                    "min": 1,
                    "max": 1,
                    "increment": 1,
                    "outExpression": "min(connections.client) > 75",
                    "inExpression": "avg(connections.client) < 1",
                    "capacityRankingExpression": "connections.client",
                    "capacityLimitExpression": "100"