SDK Release 5.0.0
- Removed onbeforeunload hook to dismantle sockets.
- Allowed for auth/validation on HLS Subscribers – enabling auth/validation using connectionParam options on HLS Subscribers. This will internally attempt to make a connection on a WebSocket using the connection parameters. If the socket is opened, it is considered successful validation. If rejected, the client is shutdown.
- Fix for mutiple property updates on shared object integration.
- offload translation logic for orientation to focus on dynamic layout updates.
- Added iceTransport config option.
- WebRTC subscriber config prop maintainConnectionOnSubscribeErrors.
- Removal of unnecessary bandwidth config prop on subscribers.
- Exposed autoLayoutOrientation – defaulted to true. When set to false, it is up to the developer to assign transitions as related to orientation of broadcasts.
Updates to Webrtcexamples
- Stream Manager tests separated out from standalone tests
- Stream Manager tests incremented to API 3.0
- New Stream Manager tests for new features added, including Transcoder tests