Red5 Documentation

2. Create Google Cloud SQL Instance

  1. Select the SQL menu option in the sliding menu pane on left to create a new MySQL db.
  2. Click on “Create instance” option.
  3. Click on “Choose MySQL”.
  4. Set a instance ID such as streammanager-db.
  5. Set a root password (you can let GCP generate the password).
  6. Database version: Select MySQL 8.0.
  7. Select the region where you reserved the static IP for the stream manager. For high-availability, select “Multiple Zones” (recommended for production environments).
  8. Click and expand Configuration options.
  9. Select a machine type, storage type according to estimated usage load.
  10. Under Set Connectivity, make sure Public IP is selected. Below it click on +Add Networks and add the stream manager IP address. Note: You might also want to add your IP address to be able to manage the stream manager database.
  11. Leave the other options to default settings.
  12. Under Set maintenance schedule, select an appropriate time for possible maintainence. Select a day which falls outside your streaming schedule.
  13. Press “Create” button to create the instance.