Red5 Documentation

Add your SDK license key

1 In the viewDidLoad override in PublishViewController.m, create the R5Configuration that will be used in a streaming session(s).

  • Change the host attribute to point to the location of your Red5 Pro server.
  • _Change the SDK license key to the one provided from your Red5 Pro Account._
    - (void)viewDidLoad {
        [super viewDidLoad];

        config = [R5Configuration new]; = @"localhost";
        config.port = 8554;
        config.contextName = @"live";
        config.licenseKey = @"YOUR-SDK-LICENSE-KEY";

2 Create a new method named preview: that will be responsible for setting up a stream to be shown and broadcast and access the audio and video devices that will be used in the stream

    -(void)preview {
        NSArray *cameras = [AVCaptureDevice devicesWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeVideo];
        AVCaptureDevice *cameraDevice = [cameras lastObject];
        R5Camera *camera = [[R5Camera alloc] initWithDevice:cameraDevice andBitRate:512];

        AVCaptureDevice *audioDevice= [AVCaptureDevice defaultDeviceWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeAudio];
        R5Microphone *microphone = [[R5Microphone new] initWithDevice:audioDevice];

3 Within the preview: method, establish a new R5Connection with the R5Configuration and initialize a new R5Stream instance with the connection and device references

    R5Connection *connection = [[R5Connection new] initWithConfig:config];

    stream = [[R5Stream new] initWithConnection:connection];
    [stream attachVideo:camera];
    [stream attachAudio:microphone];

4 With an R5Stream instance created, attach as the stream for the PublishViewController and display as a preview

    [stream setDelegate:self];
    [self attachStream:stream];
    [self showPreview:YES];

5 This will draw the camera stream into a context for preview before broadcasting to the Red5 Pro server. The full preview: method should look like such:

    -(void)preview {
         NSArray *cameras = [AVCaptureDevice devicesWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeVideo];
        AVCaptureDevice *cameraDevice = [cameras lastObject];
        R5Camera *camera = [[R5Camera alloc] initWithDevice:cameraDevice andBitRate:512];

        AVCaptureDevice *audioDevice= [AVCaptureDevice defaultDeviceWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeAudio];
        R5Microphone *microphone = [[R5Microphone new] initWithDevice:audioDevice];

        R5Connection *connection = [[R5Connection new] initWithConfig:config];

        stream = [[R5Stream new] initWithConnection:connection];
        [stream attachVideo:camera];
        [stream attachAudio:microphone];

        [stream setDelegate:self];
        [self attachStream:stream];
        [self showPreview:YES];

6 There are a few methods that are required in order to adhere to the interface contract of PublishViewController: start and stop

    -(void)start {
        [self showPreview:NO];
        [stream publish:@"red5prostream"];

    -(void)stop {
        [stream stop];
        [stream setDelegate:nil];
        [self preview];

7 Note the NSString passed into the stream:publish: method. Change the publish stream name appropriately.
These are the methods we defined on the interface for PublishViewController previously and will be invoked externally by UI controls in the app.

8 Override the viewDidAppear: and viewWillDisappear: methods in order to control how the stream is maintained when changing views in our Tabbed Application

    - (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
        [super viewDidAppear:animated];
        [self preview];

    - (void)viewWillDisappear:(BOOL)animated {
        [super viewWillDisappear:animated];
        [self stop];

9 To adhere to the contract of being an R5StreamDelegate add an onR5StreamStatus:withStatus:withMessage method

    -(void)onR5StreamStatus:(R5Stream *)stream withStatus:(int)statusCode withMessage:(NSString *)msg {
        NSLog(@"Stream: %s - %@", r5_string_for_status(statusCode), msg);

That completes the PublishViewController implementation that will be used and interfaced with the FirstViewController.