Red5 Documentation

Embeddable Player

Embeddable Player

The Red5 Pro Embeddable Player is a lightweight, customizable player that can be embedded in any web page. It is designed to be easy to use and to provide a seamless experience for your users. The player is built on top of the Red5 Pro HTML5 SDK and is fully compatible with the Red5 Pro Server. It can play a single video or it can be used for a multiview experience allowing users to view and switch between multiple streams.

The player is included with each Red5 Pro server installation and can be found in the webapps/truetime-multiview directory. The player is built using the Red5 Pro HTML5 SDK and is fully compatible with the Red5 Pro Server. For details on how to build it from source, see the TrueTime Multiview documentation.


The embeddable player provides the ability to viewers to generate and copy their own iframe script to include a version on their own websites!

This is done by defining a URL src on an iframe element with all the optionally configured query params discussed previously in this document.

Embed options

By defining embed=true in the query params, a cog icon will be revealed in the upper-right corner of the player. By clicking on the cog icon, an Embed modal dialog will be opened where users can modify all the available options for hosting their own embeddable player on their websites.

Once the options are set, they can click Copy and Close to copy the iframe script to their clipboard and paste it on a page available from their website!

TTMV iframe

Included in the root of this repo is the r5pro_ttmv_iframe.js script that can be used to programmatically load a player in an iframe on your website page.

You will need to define a onR5ProReady function on the window global scope to be invoke once the script is dynamically loaded. The only argument will be a R5PRO object exposing the TTMV class declaration. By instantiating a new TTMV instance with a configuration whose attributes relate to the query params discussed earlier in this document, you can programmatically insert a player on your website page:

  <div id="app"></div>
    const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(
    // embedHost is the host that provides the files required to run an TTMV instance.
    // By default, the github pages of this repo can provide the host pages.
    const embedHost = searchParams.has('embedhost')
      ? searchParams.get('embedhost')
      : ''

    // Invoked once the inject script is loaded.
    function onR5ProReady(R5PRO) {
      // Create a new Red5 Pro TrueTime MultiView instance, loaded in an iframe that replaces the `app` element.
      var app = new R5PRO.TTMV('app', {
        width: '100%',
        height: '100%',
        // The following are parameters to define the TTMV experience.
        host: searchParams.has('host')
          ? searchParams.get('host')
          : window.location.hostname,
        debug: true,
        abr: true,
        abrLow: 3,
        abrHigh: 1,
        vodBase: undefined,
        scriptUrl: undefined,
        streamList: [
          { label: 'Camera One', streamName: 'stream1' },
          { label: 'Camera Two', streamName: 'stream2' },

    // Inject the Red5 Pro TrueTime MultiView script.
    var tag = document.createElement('script')
    tag.src = `${embedHost}/r5pro_ttmv_iframe.js`
    document.body.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, document.body)

The embedHost parameter points to the remote address where the frontend files for this web client are hosted. By default, we point to the generate GitHub pages for this repository.


When visiting the embeddable player – either through launching in dev or loaded from a built distribution – there are several optional query params that can be added to the landing URL to configure the app to use your own Red5 Pro Server deployment and playback live streams.

Once loaded with the proper configurations you will be able to view one stream as the “main feed” and view other live streams in a smaller format. The non “main feed” streams can be selected to move to the “main feed” spot, replacing each other’s playback.

While the live stream is available in the “main feed”, you have the ability to seek within the lifetime of the stream!

It is important to note that your Red5 Pro Server will need to be properly configured to support live seek and VOD.

Query Params

The following query parameters are available. Though optional, it is recommended to use in order to properly configure your player.

Param Name Default Value Description
host window.location.hostname The Red5 Pro Server endpoint that hosts the live streams. The FQDN
app live The webapp context on which the live streams reside.
url undefined The optional service URL (including protocol and possible port) that GET requests will be made on to retrieve the current list of live streams. See Service URL Response for more info.
vod true The option to allow for live seek controls of the main stream. See Enabling DVR on Server for more info.
abr false Flag to notify the application that the server uses Adaptive Bitrate control to provide different variants of the live streams.
abrlow 3 When abr=true, the specified ladder suffix/index at which the lowest ABR variant resides. This is used in accessing the live stream by name. All the non “main feed” subscribe will then load and playback the lowest ABR variant.
abrhigh 1 When abr=true, the specified ladder suffic/index at which the highest ABR variant resides. This is used in accessing the live stream by name. Only the “main feed” playback will load the highest ABR variant.
vodbase undefined The base URL in which the VOD files for the live streams are located. By default it will look on the host for the VOD files. Using this query param you can specify a specific remote base location where the VOD files can be found – such as a CDN or NFS. See VOD Base URL for more info.
embed false Flag to enable the ability for users to access the embed options to host their own embeddable player.
debug false Flag to enable debug logging in the browser Dev Console.

Any other query param key-value pairs will be treated as a list of streams to load.

As mentioned above, any key-value pairs other than the ones defined the query params table will be treated as stream listings defined by: <label>=<stream name>.

The <label> value is visible textually overlapping the loaded stream for playback, the name of which is the value of <stream name>.

When using the <label>=<stream name> pairs, each subscriber associated with the stream will continually request playback if the stream is considered unavailable – essentially it will assume that the stream is yet to be “live” or has a small loss in network connection and will continue to reconnect.

If the url query parameter is provided, it takes precedence over accessing the stream list and the additional non-defined query params are not used. See Service URL Response for more info.

Service URL Response

By providing a url query param, it will be used to make a GET request to access the list of available streams for playback. The structure of the payload response from the service needs to conform to the following schemas:

  • [ <string> ]: The label and stream name will be the same.
  • [ { name: <string> } ]: The label and stream name will be the same.
  • [ { name: <string>, label: <string> } ]: The name denoted the stream name and the label denotes the textual label to display.
  • [ { streamGuid: <string>, nodeRole: <string> } ] : The streamGuid denotes the stream path and the nodeRole denotes the role of the server node (of which should match /^edge/)]
  • { <string>: <string> }: The key will denotes the textual label and the value denotes the stream name.

By default, you can access a simple list of available streams from https://<host>/live/streams.jsp on a standalone server deployment. You can simply provide that if you wish, or you can define which stream explicitly using the

If utilizing a Stream Manager 1.0 , you can provide a url similar to https://<host>/streammanager/api/4.0/event/list that will return a payload with acceptable structure.

Additionally, if utilizing a Stream Manager 2.0 deployment, the url would be similar to https://<host>/as/v1/streams/stream/<node group name>, with the known name of the target node group to access the list of streams from.

If using the url query param, the application will make a recurring request every 5 seconds for an updated stream list.

Enabling DVR on Server

In order to take advantage of the live seek capabilities of the main feed stream, you will need to set the following attributes in the conf/hlsconfig.xml configuration and restart your server:

<property name="outputFormat" value="TS"/>
<property name="dvrPlaylist" value="true"/>

This will instruct the server to serialize the full length of the stream to local or remote disk (see following section) in order to provide full live seek of the playback stream. Without these set, on an Origin server, you may see that playback has a finite range of seek as the server does reserve some HLS segment history for each stream.


When configuring your Red5 Pro Server to support Live Seek capabilities, you will also have the option to save all VOD files of the live streams to a separate remote location. By default, the VOD files will be serialized to the streams directory of the target app context, but in order to save disk space on the server, you may want to save the files to another remote location like a CDN or NFS.

When saving the VOD files to a remote location, you should use the vodbase query param to specify the base URL of that remote location where the VOD files can be located.

For example: vodbase= When the app wants to load and have live seek enabled for a stream names mystream, it will then look for those VOD files at

The VOD files are stored as HLS.

Example Usage with Query Params

Basic Streams

In this example, we have a series of query params that pair labels with stream names.

  1. Start a stream on your server ( with the stream name stream1
  2. Start another stream with the stream name stream2
  3. Load the mutliview with the following URL (replacing with the FQDN of your deployment):

The query params follow this structure: <label>=<stream name>. The first defined <label>=<stream name> key-value param will be loaded into the “main feed”.

You can provide any number of <label>=<stream name> key-value params. The list will appear below the “main feed” in Portrait orientation with a max of 3 streams per row, wrapping. The first 3 streams will be visible. Any other will appear below-the-fold and scrollable to.

Loading Streams Listed from a Service

To take advantage of a service that list the desired streams to display, use the url query parameter.

  1. Start several streams on your server (
  2. Load the mutliview with the following URL (replacing with the FQDN of your deployment):

Using the Service URL:

See Service URL Response for more info about expected response payload.

Providing Live Seek Capability

To take advantage of live seek capabilities (on the main stream only), use the vod and optional vodbase query params.

  1. Set up your deployment for live seek capabilities: Enabling DVR on Server
  2. Optionally set up a remote storage server to access the HLS files generated: VOD Base URL
  3. Start a stream on your server ( with the stream name stream1
  4. Start another stream with the stream name stream2
  5. Load the mutliview with the following URL (replacing with the FQDN of your deployment):

See Enabling DVR on Server and VOD Base URL for more info about setting up your deployment for live seek.

Transcoding and Adaptive Bitrate

To take advantage of Red5’s transcoding and adaptive bitrate playback capabilities, you will first need to set up your deployment to enable transcoding.

Please read the Transcoding and ABR documentation for proper setup and provisioning.

  1. Set up for deployment for transcoding capabilities
  2. Post a couple of provisions detailing the 3 stream varaints each for transcoding for streams with names stream1 and stream2
  3. Start the stream1_1 stream for the highest variant for stream name stream1
  4. Start the stream2_1 stream for the highest variant for stream name stream2
  5. Load the mutliview with the following URL (replacing with the FQDN of your deployment):

Of note are the abr, abrhigh and abrlow query params in this example.

  • abr=true will tell the multiview app that the streams to subscribe to are going to be variants based on the provisions you posted in Step 2 of this example.
  • abrhigh=1 will tell the multiview app that the stream to load in the “main” view should be of the highest variant – in following this example, that stream name will initially be stream1_1
  • abrlow=3 will tell the multiview app that the streams to load in the smaller views should be of the lowest variant – in following this example, that stream name will initially be stream2_3

If you are using a Red5 Cloud deployment, please visit the Deployments section in your account dashboard to define transcoder options of a deployment.