Red5 Documentation

Brew Mixer API

Create New Mixer

Create a new mixer event.

Note that here, the word “event” is used in the sense of a music concert or sporting event, rather than the EventListener sense.

Create New Mixer Request

POST ${scheme}://${mixerHost}/brewmixer/1.0/${eventName}


  "event": "event1",
  "path": "live",
  "streamName": "mix1",
  "doForward": true,
  "originIp": "",
  "width": 1920,
  "height": 1080,
  "frameRate": 30,
  "bitRate": 4000000,
  "maxBitRate": 7000000,
  "qpMin": 28,
  "qpMax": 48,
  "audioSampleRate": 48000,
  "audioChannels": 2,
  "subMixes": 2,
  "action": "create",
  "digest": "03CA2E9BC968DA07BBF16FDC51D5051BFC50DC0CCFA111EBE023981F4453B050",
  "timestamp": 1690333081423

event: String, alphanumeric, up to 256 characters. Name of this mixer or set of mixers.
path: String, up to 1024 characters total for path + / + streamName.
streamName: String, up to 1024 characters total for path + / + streamName.
doForward: Boolean. True if forwarding stream to another instance (originIp).
originIp: (Optional if not doForward) String, up to 45 characters. Origin node to forward to. Must be a routable address. Usually an Origin node within a cluster.
width: Integer, between 2 and 7680. Video frame width in pixels.
height: Integer, between 2 and 4320. Video frame height in pixels.
bitRate: Integer, between 100 and 1048576. Video data rate in bits per second.
maxBitRate: Integer, between 100 and 1048576. Maximum video data rate in bits per second.
qpMin: Integer, between 0 and 63. Must be less than or equal to qpMax. Minimum h264 quantizer.
qpMax: Integer, between 0 and 63. Must be greater than or equal to qpMin. Maximum h264 quantizer.
audioSampleRate: Integer, between 8000 and 96000. Audio data rate in samples per second.
audioChannels: Integer, either 1 and 2 (mono or stereo).
subMixes: (Optional) Integer, between 1 and 10. The number of simultaneous mixers to create for this event. Default is 1.

Authentication params (required for clustered mixers)
action: Always create.
digest: String, up to 2048 characters.
timestamp: Integer (64-bit). Milliseconds since epoch.

NOTE that the above validation rules represent the extremes that the REST API will allow. This does not guarantee that the video or audio encoder will truly be able to accomodate the request, or that enough CPU or memory are available.

NOTE For Openh264:

  • 12 bits per pixel per frame is lossless.
  • Encoder errors when resolution exceeds 3840×2160
  • Encoder errors when compressed frame size exceeds half uncompressed size
  • Decoder errors when compressed frame size exceeds 1MB

Create New Mixer Response

On success:
HTTP 201: Created.

No body.

On error:
HTTP 400: Bad Request | Validation failure (see error response).

HTTP 401: Unauthorized | Missing or invalid username or password.


  "error" : "<error description>"

Read All Mixers

Read the list of active events.

Read All Mixers Request

GET ${scheme}://${mixerHost}/brewmixer/1.0/

No body.

Read Mixers Response

On success:

The response is an array of Strings, one for each current event.


On error:
While an empty list may be returned, there are no expected error conditions.

Read Mixer RenderTrees

Read the list of RenderTrees for the given event.

Read Mixer RenderTrees Request

GET ${scheme}://${mixerHost}/brewmixer/1.0/${eventName}

No body.

Read Mixer RenderTrees Response

On success:
HTTP 200: OK

The response is an array of the current RenderTrees for the given event, one for each submix.

    "rootVideoNode": {
      "nodes": [
          "streamGuid": "live/stream1",
          "sourceX": 0,
          "sourceY": 0,
          "sourceWidth": 1920,
          "sourceHeight": 1080,
          "destX": 0,
          "destY": 0,
          "destWidth": 1920,
          "destHeight": 1080,
          "node": "VideoSourceNode"
      "node": "CompositorNode"
    "rootAudioNode": {
      "nodes": [
          "streamGuid": "live/stream1",
          "pan": 0.0,
          "gain": 0.0,
          "node": "AudioSourceNode"
      "node": "SumNode"

On error:
HTTP 404: Not found | The event eventName is not found.

Update Mixer RenderTrees

Update the RenderTree(s) for a given event.

Update Mixer RenderTrees Request

PUT ${scheme}://${mixerHost}/brewmixer/1.0/${eventName}

        "rootVideoNode": {
            "red": 0,
            "green": 0,
            "blue": 1,
            "alpha": 1,
            "node": "SolidColorNode"
        "rootAudioNode": {
            "nodes": [
                    "streamGuid": "live/stream1",
                    "pan": 0,
                    "gain": 0,
                    "node": "AudioSourceNode"
            "node": "SumNode"

Update Mixer RenderTrees Response

On error:
HTTP 400: Bad Request | Validation failure (see error response).

HTTP 404: Not found | The event eventName is not found.

Delete Mixers

Stop all sub-mixers for a given event.

Delete Mixers Request

DELETE ${scheme}://${mixerHost}/brewmixer/1.0/${eventName}

No body.

Delete Mixers Response

On success:
HTTP 200: OK

On error:
HTTP 404: Not found | The event eventName is not found.


A RenderTree is a node graph that describes how the audio and video sources are combined within the mixer. The RenderTree describes the output of one mixer video stream — one sub-mix. A given event may consist of multiple simultaneous sub-mixes and thus uses mutliple RenderTrees.

A RenderTree has two branches: there is an audio sub-tree and a video sub-tree.

Audio Render Tree

Audio RenderTree

Video Render Tree

Video RenderTree

Audio Nodes

Audio Source Node

An AudioSourceNode takes no input, and produces audio chunks from a given video stream. The node can also adjust the gain and panning of the source.

    "streamGuid": "live/stream1",
    "pan": 0,
    "gain": -6,
    "node": "AudioSourceNode"

streamGuid: String, up to 1024 characters. The full path and name of the source stream.
pan: Float, from -100 to 100 inclusive. -100 is fully left, 0 is centered, and 100 is fully right.
gain: Float, from -100 to 0. Gain in decibels.
node: String, always AudioSourceNode.

Sum Node

A SumNode takes a list of one or more input Audio Nodes and outputs the sum. Note that the sum node simply sums, and if the resulting total gain is excessive, clipping will occur. Make sure that the gain of the input signals is sufficiently low to prevent clipping.

Because addition is commutative, the order of the addend nodes is unimportant.

      "nodes": [
          "streamGuid": "live/stream1",
          "pan": 0,
          "gain": -6,
          "node": "AudioSourceNode"
      "node": "SumNode"

nodes: Array/list of audio nodes.
node: String, always SumNode.

Video Nodes

Solid Color Node

The SolidColorNode takes no input and produces a field of solid color filling the entire frame. This is useful when source videos may not be present, or when they may not fill the entire frame. With a SolidColorNode drawn first, the “empty spaces” will have a determinate color. (Otherwise, indeterminate results may occur, such as junk data left over from the previous frame.)

    "red": 0,
    "green": 0,
    "blue": 0,
    "alpha": 1,
    "node": "SolidColorNode"

red: Float, between 0.0 and 1.0.
green: Float, between 0.0 and 1.0.
blue: Float, between 0.0 and 1.0.
alpha: Float, between 0.0 and 1.0.
node: String, always SolidColorNode.

Video Source Node

A VideoSourceNode provides pixel data from a given live stream. You supply both the source rectangle (what part of the incoming pixel data will we copy) and the destination rectangle (where in the mixer video frame will the source be drawn), allowing you to crop, stretch, and mirror source videos.

    "streamGuid": "live/stream1",
    "sourceX": 0,
    "sourceY": 0,
    "sourceWidth": 1920,
    "sourceHeight": 1080,
    "destX": 0,
    "destY": 0,
    "destWidth": 960,
    "destHeight": 540,
    "node": "VideoSourceNode"

streamGuid: String, up to 1024 characters. The full path and name of the source stream.
sourceX: Integer, between 0 and 7680 inclusive.
sourceY: Integer, between 0 and 4320 inclusive.
sourceWidth: Integer, from 0 and 7680 inclusive.
sourceHeight: Integer, from 0 to 4320 inclusive.
destX: Integer, between 0 and 7680 inclusive.
destY: Integer, between 0 and 4320 inclusive.
destWidth: Integer, from -7680 and 7680 inclusive. Negative values imply mirroring.
destHeight: Integer, from -4320 to 4320 inclusive. Negative values imply mirroring.
node: Always VideoSourceNode.

Compositor Node

The CompositorNode draws a list of source nodes in order from first to last into the mixer frame. Therefore, the last node is drawn “on top”. You can manipulate the order of the list to control the order of drawing.

  "nodes": [
      "red": 0,
      "green": 0,
      "blue": 0,
      "alpha": 1,
      "node": "SolidColorNode"
      "streamGuid": "live/stream1",
      "sourceX": 0,
      "sourceY": 0,
      "sourceWidth": 1920,
      "sourceHeight": 1080,
      "destX": 0,
      "destY": 0,
      "destWidth": 960,
      "destHeight": 540,
      "node": "VideoSourceNode"
  "node": "CompositorNode"

nodes: Array/list of video nodes.
node: String, always CompositorNode.

Complete Example RenderTree

This example render tree takes four input streams and renders them in a 2×2 grid. The audio is a mix of all four streams, each at -6dB (anticipating the sum will be 0dB).

    "rootVideoNode": {
      "nodes": [
          "red": 0,
          "green": 0,
          "blue": 0,
          "alpha": 1,
          "node": "SolidColorNode"
          "streamGuid": "live/stream1",
          "sourceX": 0,
          "sourceY": 0,
          "sourceWidth": 1920,
          "sourceHeight": 1080,
          "destX": 0,
          "destY": 0,
          "destWidth": 960,
          "destHeight": 540,
          "node": "VideoSourceNode"
          "streamGuid": "live/stream2",
          "sourceX": 0,
          "sourceY": 0,
          "sourceWidth": 1920,
          "sourceHeight": 1080,
          "destX": 960,
          "destY": 0,
          "destWidth": 960,
          "destHeight": 540,
          "node": "VideoSourceNode"
          "streamGuid": "live/stream3",
          "sourceX": 0,
          "sourceY": 0,
          "sourceWidth": 1920,
          "sourceHeight": 1080,
          "destX": 0,
          "destY": 540,
          "destWidth": 960,
          "destHeight": 540,
          "node": "VideoSourceNode"
          "streamGuid": "live/stream4",
          "sourceX": 0,
          "sourceY": 0,
          "sourceWidth": 1920,
          "sourceHeight": 1080,
          "destX": 960,
          "destY": 540,
          "destWidth": 960,
          "destHeight": 540,
          "node": "VideoSourceNode"
      "node": "CompositorNode"
    "rootAudioNode": {
      "nodes": [
          "streamGuid": "live/stream1",
          "pan": 0,
          "gain": -6,
          "node": "AudioSourceNode"
          "streamGuid": "live/stream2",
          "pan": 0,
          "gain": -6,
          "node": "AudioSourceNode"
          "streamGuid": "live/stream3",
          "pan": 0,
          "gain": -6,
          "node": "AudioSourceNode"
          "streamGuid": "live/stream4",
          "pan": 0,
          "gain": -6,
          "node": "AudioSourceNode"
      "node": "SumNode"