Red5 Documentation

File Authentication Configuration

Configuring Credentials

The authentication module stores its credentials in the RED5_HOME/conf/simple-auth-plugin.credentials file unless you specify a custom location for the .credentials file. Each credential is stored as a property-value pair and all the credentials are loaded into memory when the server starts. If your scope configuration overrides this to use a different credentials file, the process to edit credentials would be the same as shown below.

A credential (username and password) pair is stored in a new line with a single space separating the username and the password.

Sample simple-auth-plugin.credentials file

#Simple auth credentials file
#[ Add username and password as key-value pair separated by a space (one per line) ]
#Example: testuser testpass
testuser testpass

Add a new entry by adding the new credentials in a new line.

#Simple auth credentials file
#[ Add username and password as key-value pair separated by a space (one per line) ]
#Example: testuser testpass
testuser testpass
newuser newpass

Remove credentials by removing the line.

#Simple auth credentials file
#[ Add username and password as key-value pair separated by a space (one per line) ]
#Example: testuser testpass
newuser newpass

NOTE: Red5 Pro server must be restarted for changes to take effect.

Enabling WebApp Security

To enable security on your web application, you need to add & configure the Simple Auth Plugin security bean along with the validator bean to your web application’s context file – red5-web.xml as explained below.

Application Level Configuration

To attach the simple auth plugin to a webapp using the Red5ProFileAuthenticationValidator validator, you need to specify the core plugin configuration bean along with the validator bean to use for authentication, in the application’s context (red5-web.xml) file.

Example 1: Attaching plugin security to the live webapp using Red5ProFileAuthenticationValidator for authentication with default configuration settings.

To apply security to the live application, you can add the security configuration to RED5_HOME/webapps/live/WEB-INF/red5-web.xml as shown below :

 <bean id="simpleAuthSecurity" class="com.red5pro.server.plugin.simpleauth.Configuration" >
        <property name="active" value="true" />
        <property name="rtmp" value="true" />
        <property name="rtsp" value="true" />
        <property name="rtc" value="true" />
        <property name="rtmpAllowQueryParamsEnabled" value="true" />
        <property name="allowedRtmpAgents" value="*" />

The name of the bean must be simpleAuthSecurity, and it must instantiate the simple auth module configuration class – com.red5pro.server.plugin.simpleauth.Configuration.

With the following configuration applied, the application requests the plugin to force authentication on RTMP, RTSP, and WebRTC connections. Also, the application requests the plugin to allow query string authentication for RTMP clients.

Example 2: Attaching plugin security to the live webapp using Red5ProFileAuthenticationValidator for authentication with custom configuration settings.

To specify a custom properties file as a data source for Red5ProFileAuthenticationValidator component, you can use the following configuration.

<bean id="authDataValidator" class="com.red5pro.server.plugin.simpleauth.datasource.impl.Red5ProFileAuthenticationValidator" init-method="initialize">
    <property name="context" ref="web.context" />
    <property name="dataSource" value="/WEB-INF/simple-auth-plugin.credentials" />

<bean id="simpleAuthSecurity" class="com.red5pro.server.plugin.simpleauth.Configuration" >
      <property name="active" value="true" />
      <property name="rtmp" value="true" />
      <property name="rtsp" value="true" />
      <property name="rtc" value="true" />
      <property name="rtmpAllowQueryParamsEnabled" value="true" />
      <property name="allowedRtmpAgents" value="*" />
      <property name="validator" ref="authDataValidator" />

In the above configuration, we instantiate the Red5ProFileAuthenticationValidator class with the context and relative path to the properties file. In this case, the authentication provider will use your validator instead of the default one and validate credentials against the information stored in your webapp’s WEB-INF/simple-auth-plugin.credentials.

__You can copy the file simple-auth-plugin.credentials from RED5_HOME/conf directory to your webapp’s WEB-INF directory.__


Application Level Bean Configuration

Following parameters are allowed in a bean configuration at the application level (configured in the application’s red5-web.xml).


Property Type Description
active Boolean Sets the state of security for the application
rtmp Boolean Sets the state of RTMP security for the application
rtsp Boolean Sets the state of RTSP security for the application
rtc Boolean Sets the state of WebRTC security for the application
rtmpAllowQueryParamsEnabled Boolean Sets the state of query string based authentication for RTMP clients
allowedRtmpAgents String Sets the list of allowed RTMP agent strings separated by semicolons. By default, all agent strings are allowed.
validator Reference Sets the reference to the validator bean to use for authentication


Property Type Description
context Reference The reference to the web.context bean
dataSource String Sets the path of the .credentials properties file relative to the webapp’s directory

Client Authentication

RTMP, RTSP, and WebRTC clients must provide connection parameters when attempting to establish a connection with the server. The plugin will extract two parameters (username and password) and try to match them against the username-password pairs in the properties file.

Given below are some snippets, explaining how authentication can be achieved for different client types.

Authenticating RTMP Clients

RTMP clients must pass authentication parameters (username and password) using the connection arguments in [NetConnection.connect](

Example A

var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
nc.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, onStatus);
nc.connect("rtmp://localhost/myapp", "testuser", "testpass");

function onStatus(ns:NetStatusEvent):void

Username and password should be the first two parameters in the arguments array being sent to Red5 Pro.

With the simpleauth.default.rtmp.queryparams=true in the plugin configuration file or using the rtmpAllowQueryParamsEnabled property of configuration bean set to true, RTMP clients can also pass parameters in the query string.

Example B

var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
nc.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, onStatus);

function onStatus(ns:NetStatusEvent):void

Authenticating RTSP Clients

RTSP clients (Android and IOS) must pass authentication parameters (username and password) using the R5Configuration object in the Red5 Pro Mobile SDK.

Android Example

R5Configuration config = new R5Configuration(R5StreamProtocol.RTSP,

R5Connection connection = new R5Connection(config);

IOS Example

func getConfig()->R5Configuration{
    // Set up the configuration
    let config = R5Configuration() = Testbed.getParameter("host") as! String
    config.port = Int32(Testbed.getParameter("port") as! Int)
    config.contextName = Testbed.getParameter("context") as! String
    config.parameters = @"username=testuser;password=testpass;";
    config.`protocol` = 1;
    config.buffer_time = Testbed.getParameter("buffer_time") as! Float
    return config

Authenticating WebRTC Clients

WebRTC clients (Using Red5pro HTML5 sdk) must pass authentication parameters using the connectionParams property of the baseConfiguration object.


  var baseConfiguration = {
    host: window.targetHost,
    app: 'myapp',
    iceServers: iceServers,
    bandwidth: desiredBandwidth,
    connectionParams: {username: "testuser", password: "testpass"}