Release 4.2.0
- Added transcode support for Android VP8 WebRTC subscribe/publish
- Added support for WebRTC mute/unmute – audio and video
- Fixed – Force cluster edge restreamer retry and preserve ongoing stream relay
- Fixed – Some RTMP publishers failing to stream HLS
- Fixed – Send API was not working over cluster/autoscaling
- Fixed – Video only was failing for RTC subscribers
- Fixed – HLS video playback in VLC
- Fixed – HLS playback failing for some streams with mixed case
- New Autoscale Controller JARs with this release
- Autoscaling: update for VPNs in multiple AWS regions
- Autoscaling: fixed – occasional issues adding nodegroup in a second AWS region (added aws.vpcName value)
- Autoscaling: fixed some logging typos and errors
Known issues: some instability with iOS Safari subscriber; bug has been filed with Apple regarding freeze and occasional crash of WebKit