Flash Media Live Encoder (FMLE)
You can download the Flash Media Live Encoder here. If you are running FMLE from a Mac you will have different options than if you run it from a PC. Specifically, Mac includes AAC
as an Audio format, where Windows does not. Please note that FMLE does not detect the Mac Facetime camera, so you will need to use a USB camera to stream video with FMLE.
Our recommended FMLE settings are as follows:
FMLE Video Settings
Format: H.264
- click on the wrench for Advanced Encoder Settings and choose Profile: Baseline, Level: 3.0, and Keyframe Frequency: 3 Seconds
Frame Rate: 15.00 fps
Input Size: 640×480
Bit Rate: 500 Kbps, Output Size: 640×480
FMLE Audio Settings
Format: AAC (NOTE: at this time, Mp3 is supported for WebRTC subscribers, but not by RTSP or HLS)
Channels: Stereo
Sample Rate: 48,000 Hz (if you are using Mp3, then 44,100 Hz)
Bit Rate: 96 Kbps
FMLE Streaming Settings
Place a checkmark in the box next to Stream to Flash Media Server
FMS URL: rtmp://your-server-ip:1935/live
Stream: your-stream-name
Publishing with FMLE
Click on Start to begin streaming.
RTMP Encoder Broadcasting with Red5 Pro Autoscaling
If you are using Red5 Pro Stream Manager and Autoscaling and want to broadcast with an RTMP encoder, you need to make the Read Stream – Broadcast API call to get the IP address of the most available origin server to set as your RTMP server target.
It is important to make this call before each broadcast, because autoscaling clusters are not static, and the best origin server IP address may change.