Red5 Documentation

How to Create an SSH2-RSA Keypair

On Mac/Linux

  • Open Terminal
  • Type: ssh-keygen -t rsa
  • Accept the default path and modify the file name if you wish (Enter file in which to save the key (~/.ssh/id_dsa)
  • Enter a passphrase and confirm (make sure this is SECURE, and noted somewhere for future reference)
  • Private and public keys will be generated

On Windows

  • Download and run PuTTYgen
  • Click on the “Generate” button and follow the instructions displayed to help PuTTYgen generate your private-public key pair.
  • Once PuTTYgen finishes generating keys it will display the public key and other details in the application window.
  • Enter a passphrase and confirm. (make sure this is SECURE, and noted somewhere for future reference)
  • Click “Save public key” and save the key with a filename (ex: red5pro_node) on your file system in a secure location (or a common standard folder such as ~/.ssh/ under your user profile). Provide an extension of .pub to the file (public key).
  • Click “Save private key” and save the key with the same filename as the public key (ex: red5pro_node) on your file system in a secure location (or a common standard folder such as ~/.ssh/ under your user profile). Provide an extension of .ppk to the file (private key).