Red5 Documentation

2. Create an SSH2-RSA Keypair

This Keypair will be used for Instance Authorizing Operations Across All Regions

The public key is used to start manual instances, such as for Red5 Pro node image creation and Stream Manager instance setup. The dynamic instances will use a username and a password for securing the instances.

Generate Your SSH2-RSA Key Pair:

On Mac/Linux:

  • Open Terminal
  • Type: ssh-keygen -t rsa
  • Accept the default path and modify the file name if you wish (Enter file in which to save the key (~/.ssh/id_dsa)
  • Enter a passphrase and confirm (make sure this is SECURE, and noted somewhere for future reference)
  • Private and public keys will be generated

On Windows:

  • Download and run PuTTYgen
  • Click on “Generate” button and follow instructions displayed to help PuTTYgen generate your private public key-pair.
  • Once PuTTYgen finishes generating keys it will display the public key and other details in the application window.
  • Enter a passphrase and confirm. (make sure this is SECURE, and noted somewhere for future reference)
  • Click “Save public key” and save the key with a filename (ex: red5pro_node) on your file system in a secure location (or a common standard folder such as ~/.ssh/ under your user profile). Provide an extension of .pub to the file (public key).
  • Click “Save private key” and save the key with the same filename as the public key (ex: red5pro_node) on your file system in a secure location (or a common standard folder such as ~/.ssh/ under your user profile). Provide an extension of .ppk to the file (private key).