Red5 Documentation

Google Cloud Installation

Installing Red5 Pro on a Google Cloud Platform Virtual Machine

The following describes the steps in setting up a new Google Cloud Virtual Machine instance. This document assumes that you have already set up Google Cloud compute and the associated SDK for management (
We recommend running Red5 Pro on Linux.

Virtual Machine Instance Setup

Create Network Profile for Red5Pro Firewall Rules

Create a network profile that contains a firewall rule to make the following ports accessible from anywhere:

Port Description
5080 default web access of Red5 Pro/Websockets for WebRTC TCP
443 modified HTTPS access of Red5 Pro; secure websockets for WebRTC TCP
1935 default Red5 Pro RTMP port TCP
8554 default RTSP port TCP
40000-65535 TURN/STUN/ICE port range for WebRTC UDP

tcp:22; tcp:5080; tcp:443; tcp:1935; tcp:8554; udp:40000-65535


Create Virtual Machine Instance

  • From Compute Engine, VM Instances, click on Create Instance. Choose the region and instance type. The e2-medium VM type will be able to support minimal testing – however, because they do not have dedicated CPUs you may see issues. The c2-standard-4 (suggested both for the number of CPUs and network performance) will support most live production streaming implementations.
    • In choosing the instance type, note that WebRTC uses more memory and CPU than RTSP and RTMP streaming and that the higher the resolution, bitrate, and framerate of your streams, the more load they will incur on your server.
  • For the Boot disk click on “Change” and select Operating System: Ubuntu, Version: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS instance.

3. Copy Red5 Pro Server to the Instance

Once the instance has spun up, use the Google Cloud SDK to copy the latest version of Red5 Pro server to the instance:

gcloud compute scp red5pro-server*.zip red5pro-image-01:/tmp/

SSH into the server and install java and unzip so that you can set up the server:

gcloud compute ssh red5pro-image-01

Red5 Pro Installation

4. Install Red5 Pro Server and Dependencies

Follow directions for installing Red5 Pro server on linux