Red5 Documentation

System and Cost Model on AWS

The following can be used to help determine what system type to run and the cost model involved in running that instance type.

Server Sizing

The selection of instance size depends on your expected server load. There is a sweet spot between balancing the instance size price against the Red5 Pro per instance pricing. Also, note that Red5 Pro does not scale linearly on x86 hardware so there is a point at which adding more CPU to an instance does not gain value and additional instances are needed.

Server Performance for c5.Large and c5.xLarge can be found on the Server Performance Metrics page.

Single Server

Required Services:

  • Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) Instance
  • Amazon VPC
  • AWS Security Group
  • AWS IAM Account
  • AWS Elastic IP

Optional Services:

  • Amazon Simple Storage System (S3)

Autoscale Cluster

Required Services:

  • Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) Instance
  • Amazon VPC
  • AWS Security Group
  • AWS IAM Account
  • AWS Elastic IP
  • Amazon RDS
  • AWS Elastic Load Balancer

Optional Services:

  • Amazon Simple Storage System (S3)