Create Firewall Rules
Create Firewall Rules for StreamManager
From the left-hand navigation of the Linode dashboard, under the Manage section, choose Firewalls and click Create Firewall by adding a label and assigning the Linode instance.
Firewall Rules for StreamManager and nodes
Port | Description | Protocol |
22 | SSH | TCP |
5080 | default web access of Red5 Pro/Websockets for WebRTC | TCP |
443 | modified https access of Red5 Pro; secure websockets for WebRTC / Stream Manager | TCP |
80 | Required if using Letsencrypt to generate SSL certificate | TCP |
1935 | RTMP | TCP |
8554 | RTSP | TCP |
40000-65535 | STUN/TURN/ICE for WebRTC | UDP |
Firewall rules for Terraform Server
Repeat the above steps, adding two inbound rules:
Port | Description | Protocol |
22 | SSH | TCP |
8083 | API access for Terraform service | TCP |
Firewall rules for MySQL Instance
Repeat the above steps, adding two inbound rules:
Port | Description | Protocol |
22 | SSH | TCP |
3306 | Default MySQL Port | TCP |