Red5 Documentation

Create MySQL, Terraform, and Stream Manager Instances

We will now create two new instances, using the snapshot created in the previous step.

Note: recommended for TESTING ONLY, you can run terraform, stream manager, and mysql all on the same instance.

Linode instance for MySQL Database

Note: As Linode doesn’t have the managed MySQL database service, users need to run MySQL on a Linode instance.

  • Click on Create and select Linode from the Linodes section.
  • Choose Image – red5-optimized-disk-image (Optimized Linode Image)
  • Select Region from the drop-down list.
  • It is recommended that you use a Linode g6-dedicated-2 or g6-dedicated-4 instance type, depending on your anticipated user load
  • Provide a Linode Label as per your choice For Example – red5pro-autoscaling-mysql
  • Add tags, For Example – mysql-linode.
  • Enter a Strong root password and select the SSH key added in the previous step.
  • Click on Create Linode in right.

Linode instance for Terraform Server

  • Click on Create and select Linode from the Linodes section.
  • Choose Image – red5-optimized-disk-image (Optimized Linode Image)
  • Select Region from the drop-down list.
  • Use dedicated CPU 4GB Plan.
  • Provide a Linode Label as per your choice For Example – red5pro-autoscaling-terraform
  • Add tags, For Example – terraform-linode.
  • Enter a Strong root password and select the SSH key added in the previous step.
  • Click on Create Linode in right.

Linode instance for Stream Manager

  • Click on Create and select Linode from the Linodes section.
  • Choose Image – red5-optimized-disk-image (Optimized Linode Image)
  • Select Region from the drop-down list.
  • Use dedicated CPU 8GB Plan (You can also use 4 GB depending upon your load)
  • Provide a Linode Label as per your choice For Example – red5pro-autoscaling-stream-manager
  • Add tags, For Example – stream-manager-linode.
  • Enter a Strong root password and select the SSH key added in the previous step.
  • Click on Create Linode in right.