Red5 Documentation

4. Create VPC and Firewall Rules

Your GCP environment should have a default VPC, which can be used for autoscaling. However if you wish, you can also use a separate network for Red5 Pro autoscaling.

To Create a new VPC

  • Navigate to VPC network and click on CREATE VPC NETWORK

  • Provide appropriate details for the new VPC form

  • Name: Specify a name for the VPC such as red5pronetwork.

  • Description: Add a description for the VPC.

  • Select Automatic subnet creation mode, to generate subnets in all regions.

  • Select all essential Firewall rules for your VPC except allow-rdp.

  • Select a Dynamic routing mode according to your needs or just leave it to default.

  • Click Create to create VPC

Create firewal rules

  • Under VPC Network tab -> Firewall Rules, Click on CREATE FIREWALL RULE. Add a new firewall rule to the network profile you wish to use for autoscaling.
  • Name: Specify a name for the rule such as red5pro-ports
  • Description: Add a description
  • Logs: Leave to default (off)
  • Network: Make sure default network, or the one you created, is selected
  • Priority: Leave to default
  • Direction of traffic: Leave to default (Ingress)
  • Action on match: Leave to default (Allow)
  • Targets: All instances in the network
  • Source Filter: IP Ranges
  • Source IP Ranges: (Implies Any)
  • Second Source Filter: Leave to default
  • Protocols & Ports: Select Specified Protocols & Ports and enter the following ports for mentioned protocols.

TCP: 5080,443,1935,8554,22
UDP: 40000-65535

  • Click Create to create rule
Port Description Protocol
5080 default web access of Red5 Pro/Websockets for WebRTC / Stream Manager TCP
443 modified https access of Red5 Pro; secure websockets for WebRTC / Stream Manager TCP
1935 default Red5 Pro RTMP port TCP
8554 default RTSP port TCP
40000-65535 TURN/STUN/ICE port range for WebRTC UDP