Red5 Documentation

Linux Install

Installing Red5 Pro on a Linux Server

Recommended: Ubuntu 20.04 64-bit

The following describes the steps in installing Red5 Pro on an Ubuntu Linux server. We recommend running Red5 Pro on Linux for optimal performance.


  • If you are hosting on AWS, be aware that the Amazon Linux AMI may not support all of the libraries needed for some Red5 Pro functionality. Please choose the Ubuntu 20.04 AMI.
  • As of release version 9.0.0, Red5 Pro requires Java version 11. Please see [this document](] if you are installing a version prior to 9.0.0.
  • Red5 Pro only has library support for 64-bit operating systems

INSTALLER: For quick deployment, please use the Red5 Pro Installer.

Software Dependencies – Ubuntu

Ubuntu 20.04

You will need to install Java 11 and unzip to run and deploy Red5 Pro server. In addition, there are several native libraries required for WebRTC support, and jsvc is necessary for running Red5 Pro as a service. NTP service is necessary for autoscaling and communication with any other Red5 Pro servers if you are running a cluster.

Depending on your permissions, you may need to pre-pend the following commands with sudo:

apt-get update
apt-get install -y openjdk-11-jdk unzip libva2 libva-drm2 libva-x11-2 libvdpau1 jsvc ntp

CentOS – no support with Server version greater than 9.0.0

**Release 9.0.0 can not be run on Centos; please refer to this document for installing previous versions of Red5 Pro server on Centos

Required TCP and UDP Ports

The following Inbound ports need to be open on your server/firewall for Red5 Pro features to work:

Port Description Protocol
5080 default web access of Red5 Pro/Websockets for WebRTC TCP
443 modified HTTPS access of Red5 Pro; secure websockets for WebRTC TCP
1935 default Red5 Pro RTMP port TCP
8554 default RTSP port TCP
40000-65535 TURN/STUN/ICE port range for WebRTC UDP

if you are going to use Let’s Encrypt to install your SSL certificate, you will need to open port 80 for that; you can close the port after you have installed the certificate.

Red5 Pro Installation

To install the Red5 Pro Server:

  1. Download the server .zip distribution to your local machine. Make sure to log in with your account on and download the server from
  2. SFTP the server .zip distribution into the /tmp directory of your server
  3. Choose a location to run your instance and navigate to that directory. For this example, we’re running from /usr/local
    cd /usr/local
  4. Copy the server distribution to this directory:
    sudo cp /tmp/ .
  5. Unzip the Red5 Pro distribution in the directory:
    sudo unzip
  6. For ease of use, rename the Red5 Pro distribution directory to red5pro:
    sudo mv red5-server-xxx-release red5pro

Your Red5 Pro Server License Key

Red5 Pro server will not function without a valid license key. Your LICENSE.KEY file will be included in your server download in the root of the Red5 Pro server directory (i.e., /usr/local/red5pro). You can find your license key listed on your Red5 Pro Professional account overview page.

Modify Maximum Java Heap Size For Red5 Pro Java Process

You can modify the maximum Java heap size by modifying Increasing the maximum heap size will allow the server to assign as much memory from what is available to Red5 Pro when necessary.

The default maximum heap size is 2 gigabytes (-Xmx2g).

# JAVA options
# You can set JVM additional options here if you want
if [ -z "$JVM_OPTS" ]; then
    JVM_OPTS="-Xms2g -Xmx2g -Xverify:none -XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:+UseBiasedLocking -XX:InitialCodeCacheSize=8m -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=32m -Dorg.terracotta.quartz.skipUpdateCheck=true -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=128m -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC"

If you want to launch Red5 Pro manually, you can do so now by running sudo ./ Note that the process will stop when you close your terminal session. If you want to keep it running, then run sudo ./ &. To ensure that Red5 Pro starts if your instance reboots, set it up as a service.

Defining Red5 Pro as a Service

Refer to this document to configure Red5 Pro as a service.