Red5 Documentation

Common Events

The following events are common across all Subscriber implementations from the Red5 Pro WebRTC SDK. They can be accessed from the global red5prosdk object from the SubscriberEventTypes attribute.

Access Name Meaning
CONNECT_SUCCESS Connect.Success When the subscriber has established a required remote connection, such as to a WebSocket server.
CONNECT_FAILURE Connect.Failure When the subscriber has failed to establish a required remote connection for consuming a stream.
SUBSCRIBE_START Subscribe.Start When the subscriber has started a subscribing to a stream.
SUBSCRIBE_FAIL Subscribe.Fail When the subscriber has failed to start subscribing to a stream.
SUBSCRIBE_INVALID_NAME Subscribe.InvalidName When the subscriber is cannot start subscribing to stream because a stream associated with the streamName is not available.
SUBSCRIBE_STOP Subscribe.Stop When the subscriber has successfully closed an active subscription to a stream.
SUBSCRIBE_METADATA Subscribe.Metadata When metadata is received on the client from the server.
SUBSCRIBE_STATUS ‘Subscribe.Status’ When a status event of the subscriber has been receieved from the server.
SUBSCRIBE_SEND_INVOKE Subscribe.Send.Invoke When a message is being sent by a subscribed-to publisher.
PLAY_UNPUBLISH Subscribe.Play.Unpublish Notification of when a live broadcast has stopped publishing.
CONNECTION_CLOSED Subscribe.Connection.Closed Invoked when a close to the connection is detected.
ORIENTATION_CHANGE Subscribe.Orientation.Change Invoked when an orientation change is detected in metadata. Mobile (iOS and Android) broadcasts are sent with an orientation.
VOLUME_CHANGE Subscribe.Volume.Change Invoked when a change to volume is detected during playback. From 0 to 1.
PLAYBACK_TIME_UPDATE Subscribe.Time.Update Invoked when a change in playhead time is detected during playback. In seconds.
PLAYBACK_STATE_CHANGE Subscribe.Playback.Change Invoked when a change in playback state has occured, such as when going from a Playback.PAUSED state to Playback.PLAYING state.
FULL_SCREEN_STATE_CHANGE Subscribe.FullScreen.Change Invoked when a change in fullscreen state occurs during playback.
AUTO_PLAYBACK_FAILURE Subscribe.Autoplay.Failure Invoked when an attempt to autoplay on a media element throws a browser exception; typically due to browser security restrictions and their autoplay policies. (WebRTC and HLS, only)See section on Autoplay Restrictions
AUTO_PLAYBACK_MUTED Subscribe.Autoplay.Muted Invoked when an attempt to autoplay on a media element throws a browser exception and is muted based on the muteOnAutoplayRestriction config property; typically due to browser security restrictions and their autoplay policies. (WebRTC and HLS, only)See section on Autoplay Restrictions
SUBSCRIBE_PUBLISHER_CONGESTION ‘Subscribe.Publisher.NetworkCongestion’ When a playback session is experiencing network congestion on the broadcast side.
SUBSCRIBE_PUBLISHER_RECOVERY ‘Subscribe.Publisher.NetworkRecovery’ When a playback session is recovering from network congestion on the broadcast side.