Red5 Pro 1.0 – It’s No Joke!


I know what you are thinking. We probably couldn’t have picked a worse day (April Fools Day) to release. But we aren’t letting that stop us. While Google literally and figuratively dropped the mic today, we instead have actually improved the mic with echo cancellation for Android. Not only that, we’ve improved performance on both… Continue reading Red5 Pro 1.0 – It’s No Joke!

I know what you are thinking. We probably couldn’t have picked a worse day (April Fools Day) to release. But we aren’t letting that stop us. While Google literally and figuratively dropped the mic today, we instead have actually improved the mic with echo cancellation for Android. Not only that, we’ve improved performance on both iOS and Android and fixed a ton of bugs. We also did a bit of dropping our selves. We dropped the CPU usage down on both iOS and Android by 85% which improves battery life and heat issues.

While there aren’t a lot of new features in this release, there are so many stability and performance gains we thought this one warrants the name 1.0. We encourage you to update your apps to use the latest server and SDKs so that you can benefit from these huge gains. Get the new releases by logging in here.

Our Github examples have all been updated with the latest SDKs.

As always, we can’t wait to see what you do with Red5 Pro. Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions.

Happy Coding and good luck with the pranks today!

The Red5 Pro Team

Release Notes:

Red5 Pro SDK 1.0


Crash fixes
Sample Rate controls added
Small memory cleanup
Fixed volume bug
Major performance updates
Multiple crash fixes


Acoustic Echo Cancellation Support
Fixes for R5Configuration buffer time not being respected
Packet flagging corrected for key-frame markers (artifacting)
Muxer fixes for timestamps
Arm64 libraries added
Fixed Galaxy S6 Crashing Bug (due to its encoder and issues with the 32 bit emulator)
R5AudioController added
Fixed volume bug
Major performance updates
Multiple crash fixes

Red5 Pro Server 1.0

Bug fix for Null meta data – ffmpeg bug in ramp publishing
Fixed unable to record
Fixed restream errors related to strict amf0
Fixed AAC sample rate handling
Improved HLS reliability
Fixed HLS streams with audio only
Improved HLS timestamps and memory management
Fixed core bug for mobile subscribers not calling stream playback security
Fixed bug for round robin clustering in autoscaled appliances.
Removed Servlet dependencies
Hardened fix for concurrency
Added more verbose logging
Fixed room name issue with using very long names in clustering
Fixed rare Nullpointer exception at startup
Fixed some artifacting with FLV recording
Fixed append and record
Cleanup to queuing too many packets during rebuffing