Why Periscope’s “Low-Latency” HLS Is Still Too High

How low can you go? Not low enough. At least with HLS that is. The engineers over at Periscope have described their process for getting HLS latency down from 10 seconds to between 2-5 seconds using a technique they call Low-Latency HLS (LHLS). Two seconds? I mean that’s kinda low. Sort of like your friend… Continue reading Why Periscope’s “Low-Latency” HLS Is Still Too High

WebRTC Failover: What Is It and How Does It Work?

WebRTC is enjoying an ever-expanding influence over the tech market in general and live-streaming specifically. From increased security to plug-in free communication, we’ve covered the many benefits of WebRTC. However, not all platforms support it. As a server-side media processor, Red5 Pro can effectively handle streams from different sources and networks so that video and audio… Continue reading WebRTC Failover: What Is It and How Does It Work?

HLS: Because Apple Doesn’t Like Sharing

Jetpacks have been a mainstay for starry-eyed dreamers and futurists for a long time. Despite the occasional story from some engineer a-la stunt-double, that potential continues unrealized, a mere daydream of all those frustrated commuters stuck in traffic. At Red5 Pro, we’re also focused on the future and strive to build it (albeit more concretely).… Continue reading HLS: Because Apple Doesn’t Like Sharing

WebRTC vs. RTMP – Which Protocol Should You Choose for Your Live Streaming App?

Live video streaming is taking off like crazy, and you want to get in on this new technology by building your own cat streaming app. "Periscope for Cats will be the next big thing" you say. You start looking into what’s out there for a software developer to build on, and immediately are inundated with… Continue reading WebRTC vs. RTMP – Which Protocol Should You Choose for Your Live Streaming App?

CDNs, RTMP and the Future of Low Latency Streaming

Dan Rayburn recently wrote a blog post stating that Content Delivery Networks are quickly moving away from the Flash streaming protocol RTMP. I’ve been hearing this from a number of our customers as well, and I agree that this is the direction that the CDN industry is taking. The solution that they all seem to… Continue reading CDNs, RTMP and the Future of Low Latency Streaming

What YOU Need to Know About HLS: Pros and Cons

HLS, or HTTP Live Streaming is a video streaming format first introduced by Apple in May, 2009. It’s a format that breaks streams into small file-based segments made available for download over HTTP. It now is a widely supported format for viewing streams in almost real time. I say almost only because the protocol, by… Continue reading What YOU Need to Know About HLS: Pros and Cons

New Red5 Pro Server 0.2 Release Featuring Clustering and HLS

We have been working hard on a number of features that we are super excited about including clustering and HLS support. You can get the new release here. Make sure to be signed in with your account first. Also, expect new SDKs to follow soon as well. Cheers! RED5 PRO SERVER 0.2 RELEASE NOTES This… Continue reading New Red5 Pro Server 0.2 Release Featuring Clustering and HLS