This is it. The day we have all been waiting for. Apple has integrated WebRTC with Safari! While Apple may pride itself on creating products you need before you know you needed it, they have been rather reluctant to contribute to the goal of WebRTC; a universal, plugin-free communication protocol. Though they may be subdued… Continue reading Apple Releases WebRTC
Tag: Apple
HLS: Because Apple Doesn’t Like Sharing
Jetpacks have been a mainstay for starry-eyed dreamers and futurists for a long time. Despite the occasional story from some engineer a-la stunt-double, that potential continues unrealized, a mere daydream of all those frustrated commuters stuck in traffic. At Red5 Pro, we’re also focused on the future and strive to build it (albeit more concretely).… Continue reading HLS: Because Apple Doesn’t Like Sharing
A New Kind of Vision
Soldiers and poets; ordinarily the two occupy different worlds. That is, until live-streaming gets involved. Thanks to the extraordinary developers at Good Company they have enabled a soldier, blinded in combat, to once again connect to his surroundings. Wearing a pair of WiFi enabled iVue glasses and earphones, Major Scott Smiley sent a live-stream to… Continue reading A New Kind of Vision