New Red5 Pro Release With Rebuffering!


We wanted to let you know that we have just released some big updates to the Red5 Pro Server and Streaming SDKs! We’ve included the release notes, the Server and SDK downloads, and the link to our Github repos with the updated examples and sample apps. We hope this will help overcome some of the… Continue reading New Red5 Pro Release With Rebuffering!

We wanted to let you know that we have just released some big updates to the Red5 Pro Server and Streaming SDKs!

We’ve included the release notes, the Server and SDK downloads, and the link to our Github repos with the updated examples and sample apps.

We hope this will help overcome some of the issues you were seeing, and we are here if you have any questions!

Release Notes

Server 0.3.0:

Re-buffering streams – allows for graceful degradation of streams for client connections that have too low of bandwidth to support the publisher’s stream quality:

  • Provide messaging to the clients about the state of the stream
  • Frame dropping for congested streams

General stabilizing of the server and performance gains including new threading model
HLS stream improvements
Metadeta – stream events now reported for HLS streams over WebSockets

iOS Streaming SDK

Re-buffering –

  • Drops extremely late packets
  • Resets stream if it becomes too latent
  • Notification API from server on connection state
  • Supports audio only in the case that the video bandwidth is too high
  • Stream play back speed is adjusted automatically to keep it in realtime

Ability to capture a UIImage from stream upon request
Bug fix for A9 based chipset encoding (iPhone 6S, iPad Pro, etc.)
Memory leaks fixed
Scaling mode – ability to scale video stream view in multiple modes:

  • Scale to fit, Crop to fit, or Stretch to fit

PixelBuffer support – ability to support custom video sources other than the device’s Camera (bringing this feature in sync with Android)

Android Streaming SDK


  • Drops extremely late packets
  • Resets stream if it becomes too latent
  • Notification API from server on connection state
  • Supports audio only in the case that the video bandwidth is too high

Ability to capture a Bitmap from stream upon request
Memory Leaks fixed
Scaling mode – ability to scale video stream view in multiple modes:

  • Scale to fit, Crop to fit, or Stretch to fit

Bug fix to set Microphone to 32 kbps by default and added ability to set

  • Custom bitrate on Microphone