High Tech & Emerging Tech: Blockchain Panel

Decentralized CDNs

We are all subject to forces of innovation and change, none more so than in the tech sector. Constantly buffered by consumer demands, security concerns, and the latest round of Microsoft “updates”, the importance of staying with the pack cannot be overstated. However, keeping up to date is one thing, but driving the marketplace forward… Continue reading High Tech & Emerging Tech: Blockchain Panel

We are all subject to forces of innovation and change, none more so than in the tech sector. Constantly buffered by consumer demands, security concerns, and the latest round of Microsoft “updates”, the importance of staying with the pack cannot be overstated.

However, keeping up to date is one thing, but driving the marketplace forward is quite another.

The real opportunity lies in scouting the path ahead, forging a new trail for the marketplace to follow. Why simply play the game when you can write an entirely new set of rules?

As such, our COO Rebecca Allen served on the advisory board for the Boston Bar Association and their High Tech & Emerging Tech Conference held last week. She helped organize a Blockchain panel consisting of industry leaders; Esprezzo founder Remy Carpinito, Smith Anderson partner Margaret Rosenfield, Brian Assessor of Greenburg Traurig and Red5 Pro’s CEO Chris Allen. The lively panel discussion covered blockchain in general (Bitcoin vs bank transactions, non-fungible plays, blockchain use cases) as well as the IP and Financial Regulatory Legal concerns (open source protections, financing and ICOs, security vs utility tokens).

blockchain Left from right: Margaret Rosenfield, Remy Carpinito, Chris Allen and Brian Assessor.

The most exciting part (certainly from our perspective), involved Chris explaining how blockchain will work with Red5! Yes, you read that correctly but let me add some emphasis:

Blockchain and live-streaming media will come together in the Red5 platform.

On the leading edge of innovation, blockchain technology has opened up new opportunities for data transactions specifically and the internet more broadly. Due to a high level of synchronization and security, blockchain promises to add valuable functionality to live streaming video applications.

This brand new offering has the potential to shift the entire live streaming marketplace. It will implement a completely unique (at least according to the patent office) architecture behind streaming video.

To say we are eager to share it with you is an understatement. With this future product, we will be planting a flag in previously unexplored territory and inviting fellow explorers to join our live streaming quest.

Looking to channel your inner adventurer? Interested in finding out more? Please send a message to info@red5.net or schedule a call. We’ll answer everything we are allowed to, but can’t spoil the surprise just yet.