Real-Time Drone Streaming in San Diego

Real-Time Drone Streaming
in San Diego

Security has never been more important than it is today. And while we have the technology to handle advanced solutions, it can be challenging to find the right combination of tools and resources to get the job done. Recently, the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department found itself in this position as it sought out a fast, secure solution for real-time drone streaming.

Live drone streaming video has become a mainstay in safety and security operations worldwide. The ability to remotely monitor fires, natural disasters, and other emerging situations without having to deploy full teams on the ground saves money and time, as well as lives and property. Law enforcement, first responders, and other safety and security teams rely on ultra-low latency, interactive solutions that allow them to control cameras/camera angles, add overlays, and get immediate audio/visual feedback on what is happening on location.

The San Diego County Sheriff’s Department called on our partner, Nomad Media, to get the ball rolling. The team requested a secure, reliable, scalable real-time streaming solution that was also device agnostic. It had to support virtually unlimited numbers of cameras and users with an easy-to-use, customizable interface. They wanted a future-proof solution that could grow and change over time as their needs evolved. And, while Nomad’s content management system offered the easy-to-use interface, search capabilities, and flexibility the project required, they still needed to deliver the content in real time.

Fortunately, this is exactly the type of demand Red5 is designed to fill. Our WebRTC-based interactive, real-time streaming platform, hosted on AWS Cloud, offers the flexibility, speed, security, and interactivity the department had requested.

The end result is a real-time drone streaming command center that is utilized by both the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department and their partner agencies. 

Red5 partners regularly with quality and reliable brands like Nomad Media and AWS to provide full-service streaming services. Whether you’re monitoring drone footage or rush-hour traffic, we’ve got you covered. To discuss your project goals, please  contact us or schedule a call