Configuration object for the R5Stream.
#import <R5Configuration.h>
Inherits NSObject.
int | protocol |
NSString * | host |
| Host (IP) to connect too.
NSString * | contextName |
| Application/Context name.
NSString * | streamName |
| Name of the stream to publish/subscribe too.
int | port |
| Port to connect over.
NSString * | parameters |
| Custom properties for connection. ';' delimited list of values (ex: "val1;val2;val3;"). Must be set prior to connection being established.
float | stream_buffer_time |
| Buffer time request for server buffer time. Server will start dropping packets after this amount of buffered data has been reached. Subscriber only.
NSString * | licenseKey |
| SDK License Key.
NSString * | bundleID |
| Bundle Identifier, unique for license purposes an App Store requirements.
BOOL | inheritAVSessionOptions |
| Flag to allow SDK to set AVSessionCategroy options. By default, the SDK activates broadcast and playback category to AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord with AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionDefaultToSpeaker. Once the broadcast or playback session is stopped, the category is deactivated with AVAudioSessionSetActiveOptionNotifyOthersOnDeactivation.
BOOL | flushQueuedPackets |
| Flag to send any queued packets for a Publisher after a broadcast session up to the server in order to preserve the full broadcast. Publisher only. Default: NO.
float | buffer_time |
| Desired buffer time for streaming.
Configuration object for the R5Stream.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
- /Users/ankitashankhdhar/Documents/Red5/Git/infrared5/red5pro-core-streaming-library/red5streaming/src/R5Configuration.h