Character limits and Naming Recommendations
Character Limits for Red5 Pro Autoscaling Variables
Because Red5 Pro autoscaling is database-driven, there are some character limits for the various components.
note: Stream Manager uses UTF-8 encoding
Main limitations in API usage are determined by TomCat (jee-container.xml)
– The maximum size in bytes of the POST which will be handled by the container FORM URL parameter parsing. The limit can be disabled by setting this attribute to a value less than or equal to 0. If not specified, this attribute is set to 2097152 (2 megabytes).
– The maximum size of the request and response HTTP header, specified in bytes. If not specified, this attribute is set to 4096 (4 KB).
Secondary limitations are caused by DataBase fields’ max allowed size
– limited to bigint(20) which guaratees max of 20 digitsnamings
– limited to varchar(255) which guaratees max of 254 characterstimestamp
– limited to bigint(20) which guaratees max of 20 digits; all timestamps stored in millisecondscounts
– all current statistic counts limited to bigint(11) which guaratees max of 11 digitstotal_counts
– all collective statistics counts limited to bigint(20) which guaratee max of 20 digitsmemory
– fields used to evaluate states of the instances. Limited to bigint(20) which guaratees max of 20 digitsproperty
– fields used to store json text limited to text which guaratee max of 65535 characters
In summary
- URLs length is limited per TomCat settings.
- All path variables limited to 254 character length
- Requests body field:
– 254 character length,digits
– 20 digits number
Scale Policy and Launch Configuration Recommendations
To more easily manage your autoscale environment, it is recommended to name your disk image, scale policies, and launch configurations in a manner that makes them easily identifiable and deployable.
Disk Image
The following information makes it easier to identify an image configured for Red5 Pro Autoscaling:
- Red5 Pro Build Version
- Date of creation
- Instance type
- Autoscaling environment (necessary if you have multiple environments, such as development, QA and production)
If you have different images created for different node types (e.g., transcoder, origin, relay, edge), then include that detail as well.
For example: DEV-transcoder-8.0.0.b520-c5large-17june
Launch configurations
Similarly to the Disk Image, including details about the contents of a policy make it easier to identify. Recommendations:
- Node types defined (important for matching launch configurations with scale policies. (Recommended to use origin, edge, relay, transcoder, or mixer to identify in policy)
- Red5 Pro Build version
- Date of creation
- Instance type defined
For example: oe-8.0.0.b520-c-4-15june
or oet-8.0.0.b520-c5large-16july
Scale policies
We recommend that scale policies simply relect the minimum number of each node type defined in said policy (Recommended to use origin, edge, relay, transcoder to identify in the policy). If you have different max numbers defined in different policies, then including that as well is useful.
For example: 1o-1e
or min2o-max20o-min5e-max30e