Red5 Documentation

Metric Weights



Refers to a weight value attached to maximum stream count percentage on origin (100). Weightage of the current metric value is evaluated at runtime dynamically. The stream count metric is internally evaluated in percentage. This helps select an origin with minimum broadcast streams.


Refers to a weight value attached to maximum connection count percentage on origin (100). Weightage of the current metric value is evaluated at runtime dynamically. This helps select an origin with minimum connections.


Refers to a weight value attached to the net subscribers percentage on all the edges combined for a an origin (100). Weightage of the current metric value is evaluated at runtime dynamically. This helps select an origin with minimum subscribers on edge.


Metric weight for jvm reported free memory for a node. This metric helps in selection of a best node by involving the freememory value in node-weight evaluation. A node with higher freememory is favorable.


Metric weight for restreamer count reported by the relay node in case of dynamic clustering. This metric helps in selection of a best relay node by involving the restreamerCount parameter in the node-weight evaluation. A restreamer count value depends on an active stream being subscribed to at the edge that is passing through the relay.