Red5 Documentation

Microsoft Azure Cloud Storage

Azure Storage Account Creation

  • Log into Azure Portal, and select Storage accounts from Azure Services
  • Click on Create, to Create a storage account
  • Basics tab:
    • Project details: Provide Subscription and Resource group
    • Instance details: provide a Storage account name ( (note: the field can only contain lower case letters and numbers), and select the region where your storage container will be created. Keep other values as default. We will be keeping the Advanced, Networking, Data protection, and Tags default values, so we can just click Review + Create
    • Click on Create button to finish.

When the storage account has been created, click on go to resource, and from the left navigation panel, under Security + networking section, select Access Keys. There are two default access keys (key1 and key2), which can be manually “rotated” to update credentials.

Click on the Show Keys option at the top. Pick key1 and copy the Key value (azure.account.key).


Configure Resource sharing (CORS)

Under the Settings section, click on Resource sharing (CORS)

Provide * under Allowed origins and create a rule with Allowed Methods GET, HEAD, then save the rule.


Azure Blob Containers Creation

From the storage account overview page, under the Data storage section in left navigation panel, click on Containers, and +Container to add a new one.

Add new container, provide a Name ( (for this example, we are using red5container01), otherwise leave the default settings, and click on the Create button.


Now click on the container you just created, an click on Shared access tokens in the Settings section on the left.

  • Make sure that the key from which you copied the credentials is selected (e.g, Key1).
  • Under the Permissions pull-down menu, select Read, Create, Write and List.
  • Under Allowed protocols, select HTTPS and HTTP.

Now, click on Generate SAS token and URL (at the bottom of the page).
