Red5 Documentation

Oracle Cloud Marketplace

Installing Red5 Pro from Oracle Marketplace

Red5 Pro Server – easy installation on Oracle Cloud via the marketplace image.

If you are starting out with Oracle Cloud, refer to network security groups for details on adding a security group.

From the OCI dashboard, navigate to Compute, Instances. If you have more than one compartment, select the one that you want to add the VM to from the left-side menu. Choose the region from the top right drop-down, then click on the Create Instance button.

Give your instance a name, and under the Image and shape section click on the Change image button. For Image source select Partner images and search for RED5 PRO SERVER. Click to place a check next to RED5 PRO SERVER and review and accept the Oracle Terms of Use, Partner terms and conditions, and the Oracle General Privacy Policy, then Select image. The default VM shape is a VM.Standard.E4.Flex with 1 OCPU (1 OCPU = 2 VCPUs) and 8G memory, which is fine for your initial development testing.

Choose what VCN to add this VM to