Red5 Documentation

Zixi Output Restreamer API

Zixi Output

The re-stream API supports pushing streams from red5pro to remote hosts over zixi protocol. The re-stream request can be made before or after the red5pro broadcast is started. The re-stream intent will persist until the API is called to remove it. This allows the broadcaster to stop and restart at-will without having to re-initiate the zixi output.

Testing Zixi Output

Using a zixi compatible framework such as ‘zixi broadcaster’, create an input of type ‘push’, making note of the stream id, optional username/password, and optional encryption.

Example with AES128. For non encrypted push, omit ‘aesType’ and ‘decryptKey’ parameters.


The above parameters will begin forwarding broadcast ‘live/stream1’ as soon as the stream is published and the ‘zixi broadcaster’ software should show the input stream as ‘active’ and ready for use. When ‘live/stream1’ is unpublished, the ‘zixi broadcaster’ should then show the input as inactive.

To utilize the optional user/password, configure the ‘zixi broadcaster’ input stream and then add ‘username’ and ‘password’ parameters to the json API call.

List of Parameters

type – zixi-push

action – create | kill | list

context – red5pro stream context name/scope.

name – red5pro stream name.

guid – A unique to zixi-api identifier within the server node. Must be unique.

Required Parameters

host – receiver host.

streamId – stream id at receiver.

Optional Parameters

username –

password –

port – Default port is 2088 for zixi pushers.

latency – Milliseconds. Default latency is 500ms.

aesType – Omit for non-encrypted. 0 = AES_128, 1 = AES_192, 2 = AES_256, 3 = CHACHA20

decryptKey – AES key.

Reserved parameters.

isRestricted – reserved, set to false.

restrictions – reserved, set to empty array.

primaries – reserved, set to empty array.

secondaries – reserved, set to empty array.

Zixi Push Kill

To remove the red5pro pushing intent, call the API with the kill command. This will immediately stop an active pushing session.


Zixi Push List

To list existing zixi outputs, use the zixi-push list commands. The results will be in json format. Each output listed will show the remote host, if its connected, and if the broadcast is currently live.



    "message": "Endpoints",
    "endpoints": []