Develop The Swift Project
Watch a demonstration of the current section
Open the ViewController.swift and have the code reflect the following (make sure to change the config properties with your own):
import UIKit import R5Streaming class ViewController: UIViewController, R5StreamDelegate { var currentView : R5VideoViewController? = nil var publishStream : R5Stream? = nil override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib. } override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() { super.didReceiveMemoryWarning() // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated. } func onR5StreamStatus(_ stream: R5Stream!, withStatus statusCode: Int32, withMessage msg: String!) { NSLog("Status: %s ", r5_string_for_status(statusCode)) } func getConfig()->R5Configuration{ // Set up the configuration let config = R5Configuration() = "" config.port = 8554 config.contextName = "live" config.`protocol` = 1; config.buffer_time = 0.5 config.licenseKey = "" return config } override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) { super.viewDidAppear(animated) AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().requestRecordPermission { (gotPerm: Bool) -> Void in }; setupDefaultR5VideoViewController() // Set up the configuration let config = getConfig() // Set up the connection and stream let connection = R5Connection(config: config) setupPublisher(connection!) // show preview and debug info // self.publishStream?.getVideoSource().fps = 2; self.currentView!.attach(publishStream!) self.publishStream!.publish("stream1", type: R5RecordTypeLive) } func setupDefaultR5VideoViewController() -> R5VideoViewController{ let r5View : R5VideoViewController = getNewR5VideoViewController(self.view.frame); self.addChildViewController(r5View); view.addSubview(r5View.view) r5View.setFrame(self.view.bounds) r5View.showPreview(true) r5View.showDebugInfo(true) currentView = r5View; return currentView! } func getNewR5VideoViewController(_ rect : CGRect) -> R5VideoViewController{ let view : UIView = UIView(frame: rect) let r5View : R5VideoViewController = R5VideoViewController(); r5View.view = view; return r5View; } func setupPublisher(_ connection: R5Connection){ self.publishStream = R5Stream(connection: connection) self.publishStream!.delegate = self // Attach the video from camera to stream let videoDevice = AVCaptureDevice.defaultDevice(withDeviceType: .builtInWideAngleCamera, mediaType: AVMediaTypeVideo, position: .front) let camera = R5Camera(device: videoDevice, andBitRate: 750) camera?.width = 640 camera?.height = 360 camera?.orientation = 90 self.publishStream!.attachVideo(camera) // Attach the audio from microphone to stream let audioDevice = AVCaptureDevice.defaultDevice(withMediaType: AVMediaTypeAudio) let microphone = R5Microphone(device: audioDevice) microphone?.bitrate = 32 microphone?.device = audioDevice; NSLog("Got device %@", audioDevice!) self.publishStream!.attachAudio(microphone) } }
- Select the top level project Publisher
- Select Build Settings and filter by “bitcode”
- Make sure Enable Bitcode is set to No
- Select the Info tab
- From the Custom iOS Target Properties section and add a Privacy – Camera Usage Description and a Privacy – Microphone Usage Description
- Restart Red5 Pro per previous steps
- Make sure your device is selected and unlocked, then click Run
- When the application loads on your device, you can then click Start
- From a browser window, navigate to http://localhost:5080/live/subscribe.jsp
- Scroll down and select your stream in order to view the stream over WebRTC