Configure The Swift Project
Watch a demonstration of the current section
- Click on the project Publisher and then select the General tab
- Scroll to the bottom to the section labeled Linked Frameworks and Libraries
- Click on the plus sign
- Filter results by “libz” and select libz.tbd
- Continue adding “libstdc++” and select libzstdc++.tbd
- Continue adding “libiconv” and select libiconv.tbd
- Continue adding “OpenAL” and select OpenAL.framework
- Continue adding “CoreFoundation” and select CoreFoundation.framework
- Continue adding “Quartz” and select QuartzCore.framework
- From your explorer, find the previously downloaded iOS SDK and expand red5pro-streaming-ios-sdk-[version]
- Then drag the expanded R5Streaming.framework file into your Framework folder from XCode.
- Select Copy items if needed
- Click Finish