Red5 Documentation

Configure The Objective-C Project

Watch a demonstration of the current section
  1. Click on the project Publisher and then select the General tab
  2. Scroll to the bottom to the section labeled Linked Frameworks and Libraries
  3. Click on the plus sign
  4. Filter results by “libz” and select libz.tbd
  5. Continue adding “libstdc++” and select libzstdc++.tbd
  6. Continue adding “libiconv” and select libiconv.tbd
  7. Continue adding “OpenAL” and select OpenAL.framework
  8. Continue adding “CoreFoundation” and select CoreFoundation.framework
  9. Continue adding “Quartz” and select QuartzCore.framework
  10. From your explorer, find the previously downloaded iOS SDK and expand red5pro-streaming-ios-sdk-[version]
  11. Then drag the expanded R5Streaming.framework file into your Framework folder from XCode.
  12. Select Copy items if needed
  13. Click Finish