Red5 Documentation

Step by Step from Zero to Streaming with Red5 Cloud

To get started with Red5 Cloud, you will need to create an account and set up a stream. This guide will walk you through the process of creating an account, setting up a stream from OBS Studio, and putting a player into a webpage.


Once your Red5 Cloud account is fully configured, go to the Pub/Sub Details page to get the WHIP Publishing Endpoint for the Baseline deployment (or another deployment if you have one configured). You will need this URL to configure OBS Studio.

Configure OBS Studio

OBS Studio Settings

Open OBS Studio and navigate to File (1) then Settings (2).

OBS Studio Stream Settings

Select the Stream tab (1) and then select “WHIP” from the Service dropdown (2). Paste the WHIP Publishing Endpoint URL into the Server field (3). The Bearer Token field should be blank (4). Complete

OBS Studio Output Settings

Select the Output tab (1) and then select the “Advanced” Output Mode from the dropdown (2). Select the “Streaming” tab (3) and then the first Audio Track (4). Ensure the Audio Encoder setting is set to “FFmpeg Opus” (5) and the Video Encoder is set to x264 (6) (or perhaps, if you have a GPU, NVENC). “Rescale Output” should be Disabled (7).

OBS Studio Output Settings continued

Set the “Rate Control” to VBR (1) and the bitrate to something appropriate for the video you are streaming (2) (bitrate information). Use a CRF value of 23 (3). Select a 2s Keyframe (4), use “veryfast” for the CPU Usage Preset (5), and set the Profile to “baseline” (6). The “Tune” setting should be set to “zerolatency” (7) to ensure that an additional buffer is not added to your stream. Save your changes by clicking “OK” (8).

OBS Studio Start Streaming

Start your stream by clicking the “Start Streaming” button (1).

OBS Studio Stream Status

You should see the stream status in the bottom right corner of OBS Studio (1). If you see “green” you are connected and have a quality stream.

Create a Player

To create a player you will copy the Embedded Player information from the Pub/Sub Details of your deployment. This information will be used to create a webpage with a player.

Edit an HTML file on your webserver and paste the Embedded Player code you copied from the Pub/Sub Details page. The HTML file should look something like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <title>Red5 Player Embed</title>
        allow="camera; microphone;"

Save the file and open it from a webbrowser. You should see your stream playing in the player:

Red5 Cloud Player