2022 in Review
What’s new in 2022
First Quarter
Release 10.0.0 introduces the Mixer node type to the Red5 Pro autoscale infrastructure. The mixer combines multiple live streams, creating a composite of all the live video and audio streams into a single stream output.
The Red5 Pro mixer is a great solution for conferences with multiple presenters which in turn have separate subscriber-only audiences.
Second Quarter
Custom Cloudstorage Parameters
Along with several bug fixes, Server Release 10.3.0 introduces several cloudstorage plugin improvements:
- Custom cloud storage parameters for uploading to a specific path in any of the Red5 Pro support cloud storage platforms
- Configuration to delete recordings from disk as soon as they are uploaded to any of the Red5 Pro supported cloud storage platforms (set to
by default)
Red5 Pro supports recording to cloud storage buckets on AWS, Digital Ocean, GCP, and Microsoft Azure.
Third Quarter
Transcoding Improvements
In August of 2022, we improved our software transcoding process to use multi-CPU and multithreading. These improvements allow for transcoding down to more than 3 variant levels, which is crucial for higher-definition streaming.
Fourth Quarter
The final release of 2022 included support of OPUS and UDP over RTSP, in addition to some major thread and memory optimization for both WebRTC WebSocket connections and HLS.