Red5 Documentation

WebRTC Publisher Events

The following events are specific to the WHIPClient and RTCPublisher implementations and accessible on the global red5prosdk object from the RTCPublisherEventTypes attribute. These events are dispatched during the lifecycle of the trickle ICE functionality required to start a broadcast:

Access Name Meaning
CONSTRAINTS_ACCEPTED ‘WebRTC.MediaConstraints.Accepted’ When constraints have been accepted from the internal request to getUserMedia. The data property of this event contains a requested object detailing the constraints used in the getUserMedia request and an accepted object which is the current constraint settings for the media.
CONSTRAINTS_REJECTED ‘WebRTC.MediaConstraints.Rejected’ Then constraints have been rejected from the internal request to getUserMedia. The data property of this event contains a constraints object detailing the constraints that were used and rejected from getUserMedia.
MEDIA_STREAM_AVAILABLE ‘WebRTC.MediaStream.Available’ When the negotation process has returned a MediaStream object to use.
PEER_CONNECTION_AVAILABLE ‘WebRTC.PeerConnection.Available’ When the negotation process has produced a valid PeerConnection.
OFFER_START ‘WebRTC.Offer.Start’ When the publisher requests to send an offer using a SessionDescription on the PeerConnection.
OFFER_END ‘WebRTC.Offer.End’ When the publisher has received an answer from the SDP offer on the PeerConnection.
ICE_TRICKLE_COMPLETE ‘WebRTC.IceTrickle.Complete’ When the negotaiton process (a.k.a. trickle) has completed and the publisher will attempt at opening a broadcast stream.
DATA_CHANNEL_AVAILABLE ‘WebRTC.DataChannel.Available’ the underlying RTCDataChannel is available when signalingSocketOnly configuration is used.
DATA_CHANNEL_OPEN ‘WebRTC.DataChannel.Open’ When the underlying RTCDataChannel is opened when signalingSocketOnly configuration is used.
DATA_CHANNEL_CLOSE ‘WebRTC.DataChannel.Close’ When the underlying RTCDataChannel is closed when signalingSocketOnly configuration is used.
DATA_CHANNEL_ERROR ‘WebRTC.DataChannel.Error’ When an error has occurred within the underlying RTCDataChannel when signalingSocketOnly configuration is used.
DATA_CHANNEL_MESSAGE ‘WebRTC.DataChannel.Message’ When a message has been delivered over the underlying RTCDataChannel when signalingSocketOnly configuration is used.