Red5 Documentation

WebRTC Configuration Properties

Property Required Default Description
protocol [x] wss The protocol for the WebSocket communication; ws or wss.
port [x] 443 The port on the host that the WebSocket listens on; 5080 or 443 (insecure or secure, respectively).
app [x] live The webapp name that the WebSocket is listening on.
streamMode [x] live The mode to broadcast; live, record or append.
keyFramerate [-] 3000 The framerate (in milliseconds) between sending key frames in broadcast.
host [x] None The IP or address that the WebSocket server resides on.
streamName [x] None The name of the stream to subscribe to.
mediaElementId [-] red5pro-publisher The target video or audio element id attribute which will display the preview media.
rtcConfiguration [-] None The RTCConfiguration to user in setting up RTCPeerConnection. RTCConfiguration
iceServers [x] None (Test) The list of ICE servers to use in requesting a Peer Connection. Marked for Deprecation. Favor rtcConfiguration.
iceTransport [-] UDP The transport type to use in ICE negotiation. Either UDP or TCP
bandwidth [-] {audio: 56, video: 512} A configuration object to setup bandwidth setting in publisher.
connectionParams [-] undefined An object of connection parameters to send to the server upon connection request.
mediaConstraints [x] see below A object representative of the Media Constraints to use while setting up the Media (via getUserMedia internally to the SDK).
onGetUserMedia [-] see below An override method for performing your own getUserMedia request.
signalingSocketOnly [-] true Flag to indicate whether the WebSocket should only be used for signaling while establishing a connection. Afterward, all data between client and server will be sent over an RTCDataChannel.
dataChannelConfiguration [-] {name: "red5pro"} An object used in configuring a n RTCDataChannel. Only used when signalingSocketOnly is defined as true
forceVP8 [-] false Flag to force VP8 as the encoder for the outgoing stream.