Listening to Publisher Events
The Publisher(s) included in the SDK are event emitters with a basic API for subscribing and unsubscribing to events either by name or by wildcard.
To subscribe to all events from a publisher:
function handlePublisherEvent (event) {
// The name of the event:
const { type } = event
// The dispatching publisher instance:
const { publisher } = event
// Optional data releated to the event (not available on all events):
const { data } = event
const publisher = new RTCPublisher()
publisher.on('*', handlePublisherEvent)
type assignment is considered a “Wildcard” subscription – all events being issued by the publisher instance will invoke the assign event handler.
To unsubscribe to all events from a publisher after assinging an event handler:'*', handlePublisherEvent)
The following sections of this document describe the event types that can also be listened to directly, instead of using the *