Red5 Documentation

Publishing to Transcoder (WebRTC)

You can utilize either the WHIPClient or RTCPublisher from the SDK to start a broadcast for ABR:


With the WHEPClient, the negotiation sequence with a Stream Manager is handled server side. As such, it is very similar to how you would normally publish to the server:

import { WHIPClient } from 'red5pro-webrtc-sdk'

const publish = async () => {

  const publisher = new WHIPClient()
  await publisher.init({
    host: '',
    app: 'live',
    streamName: 'mystream_1',
    protocol: 'wss',
    port: 443,
    mediaConstraints: {
      audio: true,
      video: {
        width: 1280,
        height: 780
    bandwidth: {
      video: 1000
  await publisher.publish()


Since the RTCPublisher requires secure websockets to broadcast, in a Red5 Pro Autoscale environment the stream manager proxies the websocket connection between the publisher and the transcoder (or origin) node.

In the case where the response to the GET request at:

is the following:

  "serverAddress": "",
  "scope": "live",
  "name": "mystream_1"

Your initialization configuration for an RTCPublisher will look like the following:

import { RTCPublisher } from 'red5pro-webrtc-sdk'

const publish = async() => {

  var publisher = new RTCPublisher()
  await publisher.init({
    host: '',
    app: 'streammanager',
    streamName: 'mystream_1',
    protocol: 'wss',
    port: 443,
    mediaConstraints: {
      audio: true,
      video: {
        width: 1280,
        height: 780
    bandwidth: {
      video: 1000
    connectionParams: {
      host: '',
      app: 'live'
  await publisher.publish()

The above is a very basic configuration. Your webapp may need additional configurations depending on requirements and deployment.

When utilizing the Stream Manager proxy for WebRTC broadcasts, you assign the top-level configuration app property as streammanager, and provide a connectionParams object that details the endpoint to proxy to.

Additionally, note the mediaContraints object on the initialization configuration and that it defines the video contraint with the corresponding variant qualities for mystream_1 from the above examples. This will be used in accessing the getUserMedia of the browser client.